
How 9/11 Set Progressive Causes Back – and How We Rebounded

(Commentary originally published by YES! Magazine, October 5, 2021)

As the 20th anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center approached, I wasn’t paying much attention. But then I received an email from my longtime colleague John Cavanagh, former director of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C. It was a private […]

2021-10-12T16:48:48-07:00October 12th, 2021|Categories: Capitalism, Ecological Civilization, Globalization, System Transformation, YES! Column|

Democratic Capitalism

Ownership debates usually center on a choice between capitalism (private ownership) and socialism (government ownership). They largely avoid the foundational question: Is power shared and accountable to We the People—all the people? Similarly, discussions of individual rights, including rights of ownership, rarely note that all rights necessarily come with responsibilities.

The African Ubuntu Principle (“I […]

2021-02-18T15:15:09-08:00February 18th, 2021|Categories: Capitalism, Eco-nomics, Economics, Ego-nomics|

You Can’t Put Capitalism Over Sustainability – and Other Lessons From China

Humanity’s existential crisis can be resolved only when we the people stand united behind a vision of the world we truly want. 

(Commentary originally published by YES! Magazine, August 19, 2019)

I just returned from a conference of influential decision-makers in China, where I presented on economics for an ecological […]

2021-01-08T14:01:28-08:00August 21st, 2019|Categories: Capitalism, China, Politics, YES! Column|

Capitalism vs. Socialism Is a False Choice

We need true democracy if we’re to halt the slide into self-extinction.

(Commentary originally published by YES! Magazine, posted Feb 7, 2019)
This is part two of a two-part series. See part one here.

Economic power is—and always has been—the foundation of political power. Those who control the peoples’ means of living rule.

In a […]

2021-01-08T14:01:29-08:00February 9th, 2019|Categories: Capitalism, Democracy, Plutocracy, Politics, YES! Column|

Life after Capitalism


Presented in Edmonton, Calgary, and Saskatoon
By David C. Korten
November 1998


I feel deeply privileged to be meeting with a number of groups in Alberta and Saskatchewan provinces on alternatives to corporate rule and economic globalization, because I believe that what you are doing here in your inquiry process is of potential planetary significance.

We live in a […]

2023-10-17T17:57:56-07:00November 18th, 2010|Categories: Capitalism, Post-Corporate World|
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