
Renewing the American Experiment

by David Korten

Something must happen so as to touch the hearts and souls of men that they will come together, not because the law says it, but because it is natural and right.

     — Martin Luther King, Stride Toward Freedom, 1958

The American Experiment is being placed in peril by a small […]

2021-05-31T10:21:15-07:00September 16th, 2010|Categories: Democracy, Story Power, Web Essays|

American Plutocracy

A plutocracy is a system of rule by people of wealth, which describes our situation in the United States far more accurately than the term democracy. We have been an Empire ruled as a plutocracy since our founding. This is David Korten’s video commentary on American Plutocracy and the transition to Deep Democracy.

White Men of […]

2021-01-08T14:05:19-08:00September 8th, 2010|Categories: Democracy, Plutocracy|
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