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So far Kat has created 169 blog entries.

Transition to An Ecological Civilization: The Role of the City

This presentation was delivered by David Korten at the Transition City Seoul conference hosted by the Seoul Metropolitan Government and organized by The Seoul Institute, on October 11, 2018.

Thank you. It is a very special honor to be invited to share my thoughts with this distinguished group on the human transition to an ecological civilization. […]

2021-01-08T14:01:31-08:00November 20th, 2018|Categories: Ecological Civilization, South Korea|

Toward an Ecological Civilization: A Path to Justice, Peace, and Care for Earth

(This working paper was prepared as a background document for a series of presentations on the human step to an ecological civilization by John Cobb, Matthew Fox, David Korten, Frances Korten, and Jeremy Lent at the forthcoming conference of the Parliament of the World’s Religions that was held in Toronto in November 2018. The

2021-05-06T10:04:38-07:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: Ecological Civilization, Religion|

Why I Have Hope in the Face of Human Extinction

Around the world, people are realizing the current path will lead only to disaster, and they’re beginning to ask the hard questions about what to do next.

(Commentary originally published by YES! Magazine, Nov 1, 2018)

When I ask an audience, “Who believes we are on a path to self-extinction?” nearly every hand goes […]

2021-01-08T14:01:31-08:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: Earth Balance, Ecological Civilization, YES! Column|

Podcasts and Radio

  • David was invited by Alternative Radio to record his talk, “Our Existential Crisis,” for broadcast on public radio stations in July and, again, in September, 2022. Given the positive response, and with gratitude to Alternative Radio, the recording is now available for the […]
2022-10-27T17:22:00-07:00August 29th, 2018|Categories: Podcasts and Radio|

Who Represents Us When Our Political Parties Represent Only Corporations?

Our future depends on bridging the partisan divide that elevates corporate interests above our personal well-being.

(This commentary was originally published by YES! Magazine on July 23, 2018.)

We the people of the United States find ourselves in a political crisis and resurgent tribalism that pits left against right, hard-left against moderate-left, and extreme-right against everyone […]

2021-01-08T14:01:32-08:00July 23rd, 2018|Categories: Corporate Rule, Politics, YES! Column|

Three Questions to Lead Us Away from Self-Extinction

Transformation begins with clarity on the nature of the choice that confronts our species. 

Some ideas hit us in a way that is hard to shake. Last year that happened to me. I was in a public conversation with my friend and colleague, theologian Matthew Fox, when he made this observation: “Humans might be the first […]

2021-01-08T14:01:32-08:00July 5th, 2018|Categories: Cultural Shift, Earth Community, System Transformation, YES! Column|
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