Table of Contents, 2nd edition
Prologue: A Question of Values
PART I: The Case for a New Economy
1. Looking Upstream
2. Modern Alchemists and the Sport of Moneymaking
3. A Real-Market Alternative
4. More Than Tinkering at the Margins
PART II: The Case for Replacing Wall Street
5. What Wall Street Really Wants
6. Buccaneers and Privateers
7. The High Cost of Phantom Wealth
8. The End of Empire
9. Greed Is Not a Virtue; Sharing Is Not a Sin
PART III: A Living-Economy Vision
10. What People Really Want
11. At Home on a Living Earth
12. New Vision, New Priorities
PART IV: A Living-Economy Agenda
13. Seven Points of Intervention
14. What About My…?
15. A Presidential Declaration of Independence from Wall Street I Hope I May One Day Hear
PART V: Navigating Uncharted Waters
16. When the People Lead, the Leaders Will Follow
17. A Visionary President Meets Realpolitik
18. Change the Story, Change the Future
19. Learning to Live, Living to Learn
Epilogue: The View from 2084
About the Author