31st Annual International Conference: The Will and the Way

Crowne Plaza Hotel Chandler, AZ, United States

David will participate from his home in Washington on Friday morning, May 12. He will share his perspective on "A Living Earth Economy for an Ecological Civilization", addressing the cultural, institutional, and spiritual foundations of the rapidly deepening threefold human crisis and the path to its resolution, followed by conversation with participants.

Fix Democracy First Annual Dinner & Fundraiser

Centilia Cultural Center 1660 S Roberto Maestas Festival St, Seattle, WA

David will be the keynote speaker at this event in Seattle - a celebration of "Joining Together" in the recent merger of Fix Democracy First and WAmend and building more pro-democratic alliances to advance the movement for fair elections and government by and for the people, not big money. In his talk, "Deep Democracy and the [...]

IONS 17th International Conference

Oakland City Center Marriott 1001 Broadway, Oakland, CA

David will join spiritual theologian Matthew Fox, 7:00 - 10:00pm, on Thursday evening, July 20, for a conversation about "What Connects Us - and Why It Is Important". They will explore how to translate a spiritual awakening into a societal transformation that is sustainable, respects all creation as sacred, and leaves no one behind.

Academy of Management Annual Meeting

Hyatt Regency Atlanta 265 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA, United States

David will join Joel Rogers for a dialogue on "Progressive Localism as an Alternative Future" (11:45am - 1:45pm on Saturday, August 5). This session brings together two prominent scholar activists with the "Alternative Economic Futures" community to help envision progressive localism as a sustainable and democratic path forward. An economy organized by and for global [...]